Player Sponsorship is an important part of our annual team preparation and economic base. We use the funds to help cover the costs of running a 28 person squad and up to 10 team staff. Although we are a NON - PROFESSIONAL league, we do not ask our players to 'pay to play' and every year we endeavor to create a more cost neutral playing environment for them. That includes air travel, accommodation, meals, unforms, equipment, trainers, physios and all training and game ice time - over $300K per annum.
Some examples of the high costs for a sport like Ice Hockey;
In 2024 you can sponsor any player for $1500.00, and a player can have multiple sponsors. 2024 Members just pay $1200.00 as they already have seats or standing allocated
- prices include GST.
In return, you will receive:
A perfect way to start a sponsorship journey or partnership tenure with Melbourne Ice.